Tag: awareness

Leading by Example

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that focuses on inspiring and motivating followers to achieve their full potential. One of the most important aspects of transformational leadership is leading by…
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The Basics of Transformational Leadership

What IS transformational leadership? Transformational leadership is an approach to leadership that inspires and motivates individuals to achieve their full potential. This approach is characterized by a focus on personal…
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Why Leadership Coaching Matters

In the past ten years, Executive or Leadership coaching has gone from being viewed with skepticism to a business trend that garners over 1 billion dollars each year. What is…
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Knowing Beyond Knowing: Intuition

Intuition is a popular subject these days. References to it saturate social media. I see everything from advice on how to improve my intuition, to tests to discover whether or…
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Here’s the Choice: Do Your Best!

Last Monday, Alberto Zamora arrived home later than usual. He opened his garage door and drove in. He was eager to see his wife and new baby daughter after a…
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In the Waiting Room

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Pink ribbons adorn the stores, posters remind us to take care of ourselves. But I don’t need October to remind me of my ongoing…
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October Reflections

I was talking to a friend of mine this morning about affirmations: those positive statements we create to help us stretch into new areas of personal development. I was reflecting…
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Get Busy Loving

On January 19th, 1967, a man named Michael Daugherty, shot and killed my father, Peter Keefe in Costa Mesa CA. My father had gone out that night after dinner at…
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Playing with the IS-ness

Huh?  What’s that? –you ask. As we turn the focus of our attention back to our own quiet center, we are also re-turning our attention to the IS-ness: that which…
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Where is the Love?

I love that old Roberta Flack and Donnie Hathaway song, don’t you? “Where is the love, you said you’d give to me through eternity, will it ever be? Where is…
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The Real You: Public and Private

What kind of a gap between public and private self do you experience in your daily life? Do you find yourself thinking one thing and doing another? Do you make…
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Change Your Password

Do you ever have trouble remembering your password?? Why not use your passwords to give yourself an affirmation. Now that we have to log in for EVERYTHING, I have discovered…
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Finding Your True Abundance

Do you have enough of what you need to be happy? What else do you need? Money? A job? What is it? We can lose ourselves in the fear of…
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My Favorite Question

I love it when people ask me: “What can I do to live a spiritual life?” I love it because it is so easy to answer. I’ve heard other teachers,…
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The Power of the Story

Are you aware of the stories you tell yourself day-to-day and minute-to-minute?  It’s not your fault if you are not aware–nor are you bad/wrong/unenlightened–if you haven’t noticed it yet. The…
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You’re Right! What Now?

Do you ever catch yourself in the middle of a tirade against yourself? I mean, really hollering at yourself inside your own head? I catch myself more often than I’d…
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Where Are Your Feet?

As we step into this New Year, full of exciting changes and opportunities, it seems worth taking a moment to think about our feet. If you’re like me, you probably…
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Dr. Laurel Ross

© 2024 Our Imagined Life

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