Tag: spiritual

October Reflections

I was talking to a friend of mine this morning about affirmations: those positive statements we create to help us stretch into new areas of personal development. I was reflecting…
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Just Love

My post will be short today, in honor of those injured and killed in yesterday’s bombings in Boston. I just want to take a moment to send my love and…
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The Real You: Public and Private

What kind of a gap between public and private self do you experience in your daily life? Do you find yourself thinking one thing and doing another? Do you make…
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Change Your Password

Do you ever have trouble remembering your password?? Why not use your passwords to give yourself an affirmation. Now that we have to log in for EVERYTHING, I have discovered…
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Finding Your True Abundance

Do you have enough of what you need to be happy? What else do you need? Money? A job? What is it? We can lose ourselves in the fear of…
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My Favorite Question

I love it when people ask me: “What can I do to live a spiritual life?” I love it because it is so easy to answer. I’ve heard other teachers,…
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The Power of the Story

Are you aware of the stories you tell yourself day-to-day and minute-to-minute?  It’s not your fault if you are not aware–nor are you bad/wrong/unenlightened–if you haven’t noticed it yet. The…
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You’re Right! What Now?

Do you ever catch yourself in the middle of a tirade against yourself? I mean, really hollering at yourself inside your own head? I catch myself more often than I’d…
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Where Are Your Feet?

As we step into this New Year, full of exciting changes and opportunities, it seems worth taking a moment to think about our feet. If you’re like me, you probably…
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Why Bother?

The world has changed—did you notice? Last Friday, a young man walked into an elementary school in Connecticut and killed 20 children and 4 adults. Like you, I was stunned…
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What Are Your Gifts?

I have been using the Enneagram both personally and professionally for about 15 years. Though I am certified in (MBTI) Meyer-Briggs Temperament Indicator, I actually prefer the Enneagram’s 9 Personality…
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I am not the Boss of you!

One of the pitfalls that comes with coaching people happens when they give me the role of being their “judge.” I feel so sad about this because if they knew…
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Dr. Laurel Ross

© 2024 Our Imagined Life

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