Tag: healing

Knowing Beyond Knowing: Intuition

Intuition is a popular subject these days. References to it saturate social media. I see everything from advice on how to improve my intuition, to tests to discover whether or…
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In the Waiting Room

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Pink ribbons adorn the stores, posters remind us to take care of ourselves. But I don’t need October to remind me of my ongoing…
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October Reflections

I was talking to a friend of mine this morning about affirmations: those positive statements we create to help us stretch into new areas of personal development. I was reflecting…
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Get Busy Loving

On January 19th, 1967, a man named Michael Daugherty, shot and killed my father, Peter Keefe in Costa Mesa CA. My father had gone out that night after dinner at…
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Dr. Laurel Ross

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