Tag: spiritual self-help

October Reflections

I was talking to a friend of mine this morning about affirmations: those positive statements we create to help us stretch into new areas of personal development. I was reflecting…
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The Real You: Public and Private

What kind of a gap between public and private self do you experience in your daily life? Do you find yourself thinking one thing and doing another? Do you make…
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Finding Your True Abundance

Do you have enough of what you need to be happy? What else do you need? Money? A job? What is it? We can lose ourselves in the fear of…
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Where Are Your Feet?

As we step into this New Year, full of exciting changes and opportunities, it seems worth taking a moment to think about our feet. If you’re like me, you probably…
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Everything is Personal

Has anyone ever told you: “don’t worry about it–it isn’t personal”? Well, I’m here to suggest to you that it IS personal–in fact, it may be that everything is personal. As…
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Dr. Laurel Ross

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