Tag: leadership development

Leading by Example

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that focuses on inspiring and motivating followers to achieve their full potential. One of the most important aspects of transformational leadership is leading by…
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The Basics of Transformational Leadership

What IS transformational leadership? Transformational leadership is an approach to leadership that inspires and motivates individuals to achieve their full potential. This approach is characterized by a focus on personal…
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Here’s the Choice: Do Your Best!

Last Monday, Alberto Zamora arrived home later than usual. He opened his garage door and drove in. He was eager to see his wife and new baby daughter after a…
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Remember the Clue!

It’s the lightening round at the end of the game. You still have one chance to pull out the win. The words fly onto your screen from right and left:…
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Playing with the IS-ness

Huh?  What’s that? –you ask. As we turn the focus of our attention back to our own quiet center, we are also re-turning our attention to the IS-ness: that which…
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YOU are the Leader!

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone who didn’t understand you? It’s like this: you are trying to explain your view or position on a certain subject and…
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Dr. Laurel Ross

© 2024 Our Imagined Life

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