Category: work

The Enneagram for Business

In the evolving world of business, where soft skills and team dynamics have become integral to success, understanding oneself and one’s colleagues has never been more vital. Enter the Enneagram:…
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Why Leadership Coaching Matters

In the past ten years, Executive or Leadership coaching has gone from being viewed with skepticism to a business trend that garners over 1 billion dollars each year. What is…
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Overcoming Change Resistance

I walk my dogs every morning: rain or shine, wind or heat, I walk my dogs every morning. And every morning I experience some form of change resistance. Now, don’t…
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Leaders: Are you Willing to Take a Half-Step?

  The news media are crowded with stories of crises in leadership. Politics, financial institutions, Universities, businesses, healthcare and religious organizations flounder, searching for an approach, a strategy that will…
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Knowing Beyond Knowing: Intuition

Intuition is a popular subject these days. References to it saturate social media. I see everything from advice on how to improve my intuition, to tests to discover whether or…
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Remember the Clue!

It’s the lightening round at the end of the game. You still have one chance to pull out the win. The words fly onto your screen from right and left:…
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Dr. Laurel Ross

© 2024 Our Imagined Life

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