Change Your Password

Do you ever have trouble remembering your password?? Why not use your passwords to give yourself an affirmation. Now that we have to log in for EVERYTHING, I have discovered that I remember mine much more easily when I use a positive affirmation–a feel-good statement–that makes me smile.
Here’s how it works: Think of something nice to say to yourself, like–I have a good heart. Now, you convert it into password lingo: Ihavagd<3!! Do you want to affirm more financial abundance? Why not Ihav6M$$ as your password? I love my life becomes I<3mylif**. If you're feeling sweet about your new relationship, you can carve your initials on every website you touch with L+D=<34Ever.
The systems don't care which letters and symbols you use, so why not take the opportunity to give yourself a feel-good moment and send your positive message out into the world in code. Heaven knows we could all use a little more positive enrgy coming into the world in any form. . . .and by the way, these are MUCH harder to hack than your initials, your birthday, or your child's first step. 🙂



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Dr. Laurel Ross

© 2025 Our Imagined Life

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